Vote Angelina Jolie

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Help us vote for Angelina Jolie as best famous charity worker as Angelina Jolie now has worked for 29 charities  at

Angelina interest in humanitarian work began after filming “Lara Craft Tomb Raider” in Cambodia where she saw the crisis of the Cambodia people. Angelina began to learn more about the conditions in these areas, contacted “United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees”, and she began visiting refugee camp around the world. In February 2001, Angelina went one of her first 18 days mission trip to Sierra Leone and Tanazania. Angelina retired to Cambodia a few weeks later, where she meets with Afghan Refugges, and she donated $1 Million to international UNHCR emergency appeal. This is the largest donation UNHCR  has ever received. In the last couple of years Angelina has been on field mission around the world meeting with refugees and internally displaced persons in more than 30 countries.